Project Work
Choose one of the following options and develop it:
1. Re-write an incident from the novel from another character’s point of view. (minimum of two pages)
2. Choose two points in the novel where things would have changed substantially, if the events had developed differently. Explain what events should have been different and what would have happened then.
3. Write an additional chapter to the novel.
4. Newspaper Article
Write a newspaper article on one of the following:
a. Growing up in the South in the 1930’s
(possible people to interview: Scout, Jem, Dill)
b. Racism in the South in the 1930’s
(possible people to interview: Tom, Cal, Rev. Sykes)
c. Being a woman in the 1930’s
(possible people to interview: Miss Maudie, Aunt Alexandra, Mayella, Cal)
d. The effects of the Great Depression
(possible people to interview: any character in the novel)
Pretend you are a reporter sent on an assignment, and you must ask questions and interview
people to produce an interesting article. You can “quote” your source(s) frequently, but make a good story out of it. Your article must be at least one page typed (double-spaced) and have a headline.
5. Diary Entries: Choose one character from the novel. Compile a set of diary entries that this character might have written about the most important events in the novel. Each entry should be at least 50 words in length. Each entry should be written in first person point of view as if you are that character. Make sure you do more than just retell the incidents. The entries should also reflect your thoughts and feelings about the events.